Hi everyone! It's
been a couple of days more than one year, but here I am again. I had
intimated that things were about to get crazy, without going into details, but
now that some time has passed and things have settled down (at least a little),
I thought I would post an update.
Last year, as spring was
turning into summer, I was presented with an opportunity. My company was
doing layoffs (like every other company), and they had mentioned the possibility
of voluntary severance in January 2011, but only for certain segments of the
business. In May, I found out that they were actually pretty much
offering the voluntary severance to everyone. John and I had a long talk
and decided that this was our chance to do something we had wanted to do for
years. So I took it. It was not an easy decision. I had to
leave a job I maybe didn't love, but was comfortable with, and that allowed us
to live comfortably, and I had to leave quite a few co-workers who I actually
loved a lot, to take a really big chance on a really unsure thing. John
was focused primarily on acting, but he wasn't getting the kind of work that
would ever allow him to fulfill his career goals, and certainly not the kind of
work that would ever make enough money to change our situation. Also, we didn't
particularly care for Massachusetts anymore. It's no mystery if you read
through my winter 2011 posts that I didn't think I could deal with another hard
winter again, and although Massachusetts is a lovely state with any number of
reasons to recommend it, I had lived there for 12 years, and John had been
there the better part of his life. We needed to get out. So we
decided to stop being safe and began to plan a move to California.
I left my main job at the
end of July, while I continued to serve as stage manager for Worcester
Shakespeare Company's Summer 2011 season. When that wrapped, we booked a
flight to Los Angeles. We stayed with our very good friends Sheri and
Carlos while we looked for an apartment. The final day before we had to
fly back to Massachusetts, we found a great little place in North Hollywood
that was in our price range and would take us, even though we didn't have jobs. The whole apartment could fit into two
rooms at our place in Worcester, but we knew sacrifices had to be made.
We signed our lease and flew back to Worcester to pack up and return to
LA for good.
There was about a month
between the time we got back and the time we planned to leave. It was an
insanely stressful flurry of packing, trying to sell at least half of our
things (including my car), and trying to fit in as much time with our friends
as we could. I have never in my life felt so torn in so many directions.
We were excited to be starting a new chapter in our life, but so sad to
be leaving dear friends behind (as well as John's mom), and so stressed out,
hoping that we could get everything sold, packed, or otherwise taken care of in
a very short period of time. Even writing about it now makes me feel the
ghost of the old nervousness in my stomach. We planned to drive a moving
truck ourselves, but at the last minute went with a Pods-type moving service.
It would allow us to pack up storage cubes ourselves, which would then be
transported and we would drive John's car with a smaller amount of luggage and
things we didn't feel comfortable letting out of our sight. We saw the
storage cubes put on the truck on the morning of October 14 after three days of emptying our third floor apartment with the help of our friend Wayne. We spent our
last night at John's mother's house and drove out of Worcester bright and early
on the morning of October 15. That day, some of the anxiety lifted
finally. We knew that if we had forgotten anything, there was really
nothing we could do about it anymore. The first day we made it all the
way into Ohio (and that is with a 3 hour stopover to visit some of John's
relatives in Pennsylvania) before stopping for the night.
The next morning we woke
to a flat tire, which we were able to get fixed near our hotel, thankfully.
John also started to feel a little bit under the weather, but it was on
and off. The second day we only made it to Terre Haute, but after the
distance of the first day, that wasn't too bad. The third day, we decided
to start making a vacation out of the cross-country drive. We headed
south and drove through St. Louis, stopping to visit the arch, and then we
stayed overnight in Kansas City. We went to hear a jazz band play that
night, and it was wonderful. The next day, we drove into Kansas proper,
and then took a few campy side trips to visit a very large ball of twine, which
may be the largest, although Minnesota has its claim as well, and take a few
pictures at the geographical center of the contiguous US.
Halloweeny Ball o' Twine
Middle of Nowhere, USA
We stayed the
night in Nebraska, and I was very excited to pick up my 48th state, as Nebraska
was on the short list of states I had not yet visited.
Yee-haw for number 48!
Unfortunately, John was
feeling extremely ill with sinus issues that night, and I was afraid we were
going to have to bring him to a doctor. The next morning, he was a little
better, and after a very spicy breakfast at a local diner, he seemed to be back
to normal. Our luck seemed to be improving--FINALLY! We continued
on through Colorado, staying in Grand Junction the following night, and then as
we moved into Utah the next day, we decided we had time for a side trip.
We had both really wanted to see Yellowstone, and we thought, why not now?
So we turned north and stayed in Idaho for the night to pick up my 49th
state and be ready for a day in Yellowstone the next day. (Now Alaska is
my white whale, the only state I have yet to visit. Someday!)
Yellowstone did not disappoint. It was amazing, and the weather was
great--cold, but not actively snowing. After spending the full day in
Yellowstone, we left the park through the Grand Tetons, seeing the sun setting
in the snow-covered mountains, and traveled south through Wyoming, staying
overnight in a little cabin in a tiny town past Jackson.
Slightly drenched by a freak rainstorm/geyser/steam combo
Sun setting behind the mountains
The next day we
drove all the way to Las Vegas, trying to make up a lot of time, knowing that
we needed to be in North Hollywood to meet the storage cubes by Monday.
We stayed overnight in Vegas, made a cool $50 or so playing $5 each in
the casino (that's about our speed, as far as gambling goes), and then set off
for our new home the next day.
"Terrible's" seemed like the silliest possible casino, so of course we chose it.
We arrived in North Hollywood on the
afternoon of Sunday, October 23. The next day our things arrived, and we
spent the last bit of energy we had to bring it all up to our wee little second
floor apartment. For the first few days, just finding a place to sit was
a problem. But eventually, we figured it out.
It took about three weeks
for us to unpack everything, find a place for everything, and get settled.
At that point, John started going out for acting jobs. He got the
first thing he auditioned for--a short film for TropFest Australia, the largest
short film festival in the world, and the film went on to place in the top 16,
which is a pretty amazing honor considering the sheer number of shorts
competing. John has gone on to book job after job, averaging well above the
norm--not that I am surprised. His talent and work ethic may be the only
two things I have not questioned over the course of this wild journey, and I
believe this is only the beginning of greatness for him. The satisfaction
of watching him do what he was born to do, and do it so well, cannot be put
into words. I am thankful every day that we had the opportunity to do
this for him.
As for me, I have gone through a difficult period of being kind of lost and confused. Not in a bad way, but almost in a necessary
way. I have been skating for 7+ years, doing mostly unfulfilling work to
make a living, and trying to let my hobbies be enough, but now without the
distraction of the structured job, I have had to examine some things about
myself, and it has not been a comfortable process. I have had to confront
a lot of feelings and regrets, and I am still trying to tap into who I am and
what I want out of my life. I am currently unemployed but extremely busy,
working on a lot of video projects as director/shooter/editor, editing and shooting
for actor demo reels, editing text, sound editing for audio projects, reading a
lot, and doing a lot of driving, as we only have one car, and I don't like
being left without it when John has a job. (It also comes in handy that
we can use the car pool lane and that I can drive around to find a spot when
John is auditioning, as traffic and parking here are INSANE.) I am also thinking about doing a lot more writing, getting back into acting myself, and doing stand-up comedy (yes, really).

A little reminder that is usually up on the fridge to look at every day.
Part of what has kept me
away from blogging, even after things were moderately calm again, was embarrassment. We have not been vegan throughout
this process. At first it was because it was just so difficult to find
the time to eat right. During the trip, it was nearly impossible to find
places to eat and we lived off of cheesy pizza. But then after things
were settled and it would have been easy to return to eating vegan, it was, at
least for me, about comfort eating and dealing with loneliness and fear by
using food. We stayed vegetarian at least, but I couldn't be dishonest
and come on here and write about the vegan lifestyle when I wasn't living it.
I had also started smoking again, and my unemployment, although
voluntary, combined with the smoking and the not-veganness, made me feel like a
big fat failure. Don't worry--I'm not in that place anymore. But it
is important for me to share it because one of the other things I have realized
is that I don't share my feelings. I share my opinions and my ideas for
sure--frankly, more than I should. But when it comes to feelings, I keep them safely hidden. That obviously
needs to change, and making these confessions in kind of a public way is not
about being a drama queen or seeking attention and encouragement. It’s about being honest with myself and
my friends so that I don’t end up spending a lot more time wasting my life on
things that aren’t important. Friendships and community are the things that I most value from my blogging experience, and the things that have brought me back to it in spite of my hesitations.
I have been vegan again
since April, with only a few exceptions (which I'm not going to beat
myself up for, because not beating myself up is part of the new programming), and in one week, I'll be celebrating my six-month anniversary
of not smoking. I have struggled with cigarettes on and off for years,
quitting and starting back more than ten times, but I've only made six months
once before now. Six months means a lot to me. I quit on my
birthday, and my six-month anniversary is my dad's birthday. Both of his
parents died of lung cancer, so making this quit a tribute is something that
keeps me from picking up the cigarettes again when I feel sad or confused or
scared. We have made some good friends here already, and it is wonderful
to be in a new place where there is so much to explore. I am still
freaking out a lot, wondering if I will find work, wondering if we are going to
be okay here, wondering what I should be doing with my life. But I am
learning to be the person I want to be inside, apart from the labels (and
stress) I place on myself. And that is something.
I don't know what
direction this blog is going to take going forward. I probably will still
talk about vegan food sometimes. My next post will probably be about our
new favorite place to eat here in the San Fernando Valley. But I probably
will talk about other things too, like travel (plenty of photos from the trip apart from what I've posted here already) and maybe books and movies, and any of
the other things that might come to mind. And if you want to come along
for the ride, you are very welcome. I don't know where we are going, but
I think we can have a lot of fun getting there.
Sunset on the Pacific at Cabrillo National Monument